Destined to Weight

So…I think I am being taught some kind of vanity lesson or something.  Although I am not one to fuss and primp, I do like to be in shape and I do some crazy workout routines sometimes.  But, as you all know ALL TO WELL, things have been backfiring for me in that area.  I try to eat healthy and it makes me gain weight.  I try a different route to be healthy…and it makes me gain weight.  I eat unhealthily and I lose weight.  What?  Fruits and veggies and wheat do not seem to be my friend at the moment, but I will hopefully know more tomorrow.

My BMI is still super healthy and I still fit in my normal sizes, though tightly, but my weight has changed…and not for the better.  (sigh)

So I wait for the answers to hopefully help in bringing down my weight and what happens in the meantime you ask….?

In the meantime, as in the past couple weeks, my foot has been sore.  Every now and then it swells up slightly, no big deal…until Easter weekend.  Easter weekend my foot puffed up like a balloon and as of today the Dr told me to baby it.  (sigh again).  And so I have to wait for my foot to heal.  This will not assist me in my weight loss.

So I wait for my approved foods, I wait for my foot to heal, I wait for my weight.  Maybe I am destined to be this weight forever.  Who that be so bad?  No.  But I want to succeed in my goal.  🙂

weekly update (late) and stuff

I feel slightly guilty or vain ( not sure of the wording) dedicating so much thought to the weekly updates.  Please know I KNOW there are far more important things in the world…pretty much anything.  BUT…being healthy is a good thing and so I will continue to post the updates.

I am still avoiding the scale because my clothes are still tight.  blah!

However, I have gone to 1 dr, gotten my first round of bloodwork underway and have appts for the next dr and bloodwork lined up, so hopefully answers will come soon.  I also know for 100% certainty some food which cause me to swell up, have allergic reactions or both.

Now that those things are under way a bit, the testing and feeling sick stage is over, though I am heavier, I have a better plan.  And part of that plan is to get back on track with normal and healthy eating, consistent eating, consistent workouts.

As of tomorrow I am putting myself on Cassey Ho’s 90 day meal plan.  I will only stay on it as long as I need to get to my goal.  I am also going to do 3 of her mini workouts a day along with elliptical and weight training.  This is not as time consuming as one may think.  Just requires early rising.  Most importantly I am making my goal of devotion/Bible/quiet time to happen before I exercise…start the day right.

I have made a couple modifications to her meals to avoid foods I know I react to.  I will be staying in the 1200-1300 calorie range.  I will be eating primarily veggies and protein with some fruits mixed in.  One day a week I will allow myself a cheat item (not an entire meal).  I really want to get my body back AND get my healthy eating habits back.

Otherwise things here are going well.  We had a few years of people around us falling apart and the past few weeks we have gotten some great news and prayer answers!  🙂

We are beginning to read the Narnia Chronicles to our kids…a little every night starting with The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, of course.  We are all enjoying it.

No complaints, but summer is soon, so gotta get in shape!  🙂

updates, verses, absences

I have been MIA and apologize!  I will catch up on verses.  Weekly updates are hard.  I am trying to diagnose my food stuff before I have to purchase a new wardrobe…still hoping to get to my goal before too long…but right now it is hard to think about moving the scale down when it is going up.  Going to the doctor this week so hopefully I will get some diagnosis soon.  I know apples and some wheat, but not all, throw me off.  I do not know how that connects except maybe for this oral allergy thing.  We will see.  So no scale for me while my clothes are tight.  Will get back to the scale when they start fitting normally again.  😉  Right now health is first right?

mid week update

I am not even talking about the scale.  My measurements other than my belly are pretty much the same, so that is a relief.  I did some food experimenting (too early I know, by far, but I just want to figure it out!) and caused my self to blow up again.

But, more important than all of that is that we have noticed my youngest seems to react when I do.  Did some research and the poor thing may have had food allergies for awhile.  I am more concerned in figuring his out since he is already lactose intolerant.  As a family we are going to approach a very simplistic living plan for awhile (once we eat through the food we already have)…meaning, other than almond milk and almond butter we are going to avoid most foods that come in containers.  We are going to be primarily fruits, veggies and meats for a bit to see if it makes a difference in our general health.

3 things I hope happen from this experiment:

1. We find out what food is triggering reactions

2. We are able to have “unhealthy/processed/manmade” foods in moderation

3. We adapt a whole new healthy lifestyle that allows us to make smart food choices without being overboard crazy about it


weekly update

I did not weigh myself this week or do my measurements.  I still fit in my clothes…even my smaller size ones, but they are a little more snug.  I have had quite a few food reactions and have ballooned up and down.  Feeling yucky does not inspire me to check the scale and feel yuckier.

I was doing elimination diet and then my doctor wisely advised me to just do gluten free, BUT ALAS I still reacted and I think I may have a corn issue…which includes corn starch and corn syrup.  So, I am now back to elimination diet, because the possibilities could be corn, gluten or nuts.  We will see.

Hoping that I can get it figured out and start posting my stats again soon.  I know they can’t be horrible, but I know they aren’t great, and I know I feel like they are horrible because of the crazy food reactions.

Any corn or gluten wisdoms are much wanted and would be greatly appreciated!


weekly update

Oh my goals…they were so close and now seem so far away.  But I am not giving up, I am just discouraged.

Something is causing my body to hold onto extra weight….weight that is not consumed.  I am suspicious that it is a gluten thing, but I am not 100% convinced.  I know that when I am tired and hungry and the scale reads higher than in a long time my mind does not go to happy places.  “Oh goody, I watched what I ate and worked my tail off and look what I have to show for it!  More weight!  Yay.”  Boo.  😦

So I am not posting my weekly stats until I get this thing under control.  As I say a lot, and I hope all who read this know:  My weight is not the most important thing in my life.  If I cannot eat certain foods so be it.  Compared to the bagillions of other things going on throughout the world, I count my blessings.  I am incredibly spoiled…I have a home and a loving family and friends and a pillow and food.  Most importantly I have a loving Savior.  Everything else falls short.  Including the elimination of yummy-ness, as annoying as it may be.   I do want to be healthy though…for me, for my family and to serve God.  I know He doesn’t want me focused on food….He wants me focused on Him.

I am about to embark on crazy necessity.  I am going to begin a 3 week elimination diet.  Basically I can eat chicken, tuna, fruits and veggies…there are some other rules, but that is basically it.  Some eliminate chicken too, but I know I am ok with chicken, so we are keeping that in.  I am sure by the end of the 3 weeks I will be getting pretty creative with these limited ingredients.  I sure hope that it helps me solve my issue.  In the meantime if my dr tells me it is not necessary, I will quickly stop.  I haven’t gotten in with her yet, though, and I know this was where we were headed last time I had these issues, so I figure I will get a jump start on it.

will keep you posted.  And I will continue the weekly updates…even if they are a bit different for awhile.


weekly update

So…a lot has happened this week…general life (sick kids, hubby out of town, etc) has prevented intense workouts.  I still have been exercising, but not quite to the same degree…at least for cardio.  Lifting has been great!

I have a feeling that I may have  a gluten sensitivity.  I have been tested for celiac before and that has come back negative.  However, on my off days (of eating healthy) I often eat a lot of gluten.  I miss it the other days.  And I ALWAYS feel horrible the next day.  I thought it was just the extra calories, but I think it is the extra gluten.  I have noticed sore throats, itchy ears, gastro issues, acne, stuffy nose, dry skin, distended belly, moodiness, tiredness, etc.  I had been avoiding bread for awhile just to be healthy and had it in the house the past 2 weeks…I don’t know if it is the amount I have eaten or the consistency, but the sore throats and heartburn are to be noted.

All this to say, I may have the clue to why my off days throw my weight into crazy numbers…gluten sensitivity can do that.  And when I was younger those numbers dropped right down…they no longer do that.

And so…the update…scale no progress.  😦  Measurements no progress either, but I am ok with that one, because I was super happy with them last week.

I am currently looking up low calorie gluten free diets to test my theory.  Although with the knowledge that I will be avoiding it soon, I ate some bread today and am experiencing the results.  I could be completely okay with gluten…but some funny things have been happening since I have been eating more of it and I would like to know what is going on with me.

weekly update

Frustrated!  So SO so SO frustrated!

So…my calories have been on target.  My workouts have been on target.  My off days have been less off and fewer than normal.  I have lost body fat, BUT have gained weight!  Personal trainers out there…help!  I have been hungry and tired this week especially and my weight it up.

A couple things I am wondering…have I reached the hard to penetrate through plateau? …did my body get so used to my old lifting routine that my muscles drifted away a bit and now that I am on new workout programs they are bulking up and adding weight?  …previously I had backed off a bit on squats and leg press because they made my legs a bit bulkier, but they were toned…could my new leg routine be doing that?

I don’t know, but I am frustrated.  I say that knowing that my BMI is 20.2, and that is SO not bad.  I say that knowing that in the grand scheme of life, this is NO big deal.  I say that knowing that I am blessed to be able to eat and workout.  But I say that knowing I now have even more serious work to do to reach my goal.

So BMI is 20.2

BF% ranges but averages 17%  My lowest reading is 13.9%  Like that one!

Got my waist (natural bend) back to 23 inches…like that too!

My waist at BB…24.5 inches

My stomach below belly button…27 inches

Rest of my measurements remain pretty much the same.

Be back in a week, hopefully not as hungry or tired and hopefully less weight than more.  😛

Weekly Update

Not much to report this week.  Since you have been on this journey with me you have known that this goal is taking a long time.  But it isn’t going the wrong direction, so that is good, right?  The whole build muscle and lose weight thing is hard for me to figure out.

No weight loss again this week….measurements all pretty much the same.

However, even though I have only been doing this no weighing myself everyday and trying to make healthier food choices instead of only calorie counting I feel a lot better.  I am keeping my calories in check, feeling full because of eating the right foods, working out a lot.  My clothes fit well and so I am HOPEFUL that soon my goal will be reached.  But I like this approach better instead of running to the scale  5 times a day and restricting calories so much all week that I gain it all back on my off days.  I am just going to try to be consistently healthy.  The last 2 days though, avoiding diet cola again and processed foods 80% of the time has me feeling so much better!  I hope I can keep this new mindset and approach…it is healthier for mind and body.

My goals remain the same…eat right, lower calories, workout 6 days a week, aiming for 5 pound loss minimum, 7 pound loss maximum.

Will keep you posted!

weekly update

Here it goes…weight a little more than last week, and honestly with my exercise and calories I am not sure why.  But, it is what it is.  Anyway, here are ALL my stats.  Don’t do this all the time, so it is about time for a big update.

Tape Measurements:

Waist at natural bend (right above belly button) = 23.5

Waist at belly button = 25

Stomach (including love handles) = 28

Thigh at widest = 19.5

Thigh in middle = 18

Biceps = 10

Forearms = 8

Hips = 34

BMI = 20

Body Fat percentages:

Jackson Pollock 7 = 14.2

Jackson Pollock 4 = 14.4

Jackson Pollock 3 = 16

Perillo = 18

Tape Measure = 18

Really want to get back under 20 for BMI